The role of technological partner that OSL has always aimed for and which it has worked diligently over the years for, made OSL and its employees aware of the importance of providing excellent Quality.
In this regard, OSL has obtained UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification since 2002.
The spirit with which OSL approaches Quality is not that of a simple “goal to achieve” but a constant and enduring commitment to being the ideal support for engineering companies. OSL aims to become a leader in providing solutions to manage the production area and logistics.
OSL’s ultimate goal is to ensure that the quality with which it operates can also be extended to its clients through its tools.
In particular, OSL’s policy is to best meet the growing expectations of all stakeholders by adopting a work system focused on continuous improvement, both in terms of productivity and respect for its customers.
To achieve this, OSL’s management has set two main goals:
• ensure efficient and economical development of all activities: it aims guaranteeing business continuity. To this end, periodic risk analyses are conducted to facilitate strategic planning for maintaining and improving the business.
• guarantee product and service compliance with customer specifications: The aim is to continuously improve customer satisfaction levels and the company’s image.